Create an Account

IMPORTANT: Do you already have an account?

If you, personally, are or used to be a member of, have attended a meeting of, or have purchased anything from FASS or a client society, then you already have an account*, and it is important that you do NOT set up a new account. This is critical in order to ensure that you receive credit for dues payments and that you receive member rates for registrations and products. Even if your membership or subscription expires, your account does not.

However, if you, personally, do not have an account, you are encouraged to set up an account for yourself rather than reuse someone else's account. This website uses accounts that are primarily tied to specific people, not companies.

* Abstract submissions, manuscript submissions, award nominations, AAFCO eOP/Feed BIN, and AAFCO PTP data reporting use different systems, so you may need to set up an account even if you submitted an abstract, manuscript, award nomination, or PTP data; or have eOP/Feed BIN access.

NOTICE: this website uses cookies to support account management and logins. You will not be able to create an account or log in if cookies are blocked or disabled by your browser, computer, or network.

If you think you may already have an account, please try the login/password retrieval form.

Basic Information
Primary Contact Information

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